Altresco is openly seeking clean water/brine orders, gas supply agreements and when appropriate, power purchase agreements from E&P companies located in the Permian Basin. There is no need for front end capital from the customer; the Altresco team will be taking care of project implementation, financing and operations.
Altresco and its affiliates have designed a customizable combined power and water system that can use multiple energy and fuel sources, including flare gas. Our proprietary system design dramatically reduces the cost of processing water from produced, flow-back, contaminated or otherwise non-potable water sources. All the required technology is proven and will be provided by vendors and engineering companies such as GE and Tetra Tech.
Based on Permian Basin resources and without adding any new water processing technology, we are able to offer and deliver clean brine or water for less than $1 per/bbl, in quantities that fill in the gap between well side recycling of return flows - and what is needed to drill and frac the wells.
We can also turn around and reclaim and recycle both produced and frac flow back water at $2.50/bbl. We plan to offer truck or pipeline delivery to and from our pickup points located at or, very near on-going drilling and fracking activity.
We will be able to deliver 100% of the water needs for drilling and fracking from recycled, desalinated and unconventional water, which translates to a stable supply of low cost water for the Oil and Gas industry, with no further need to withdraw from potable water sources.
We want to emphasize: Our system can use flare gas in clean, environmentally friendly CHP/CCHP energy production that will meet or exceed the latest EPA Air Quality Standards and Environmental Requirements for Gas Fields and Power Generation.
Read more for the details…
Using proven innovative technology -
• Our integrated system can operate independently from the grid. Energy flexibility, operational modularity and the ability to adjust the load reduces energy consumption and costs by 30-40%.
• Hyper-efficient co-location of nearly all major equipment and processes reduces significant major energy costs and allows for multiple revenue streams.
• When added, thermal storage also reduces the cost of grid energy dependency and cost flux.
• Our team has decades of experience in system equipment for power and electricity generation, hydrology, water processing, oil-field permitting, environmental engineering, and several other disciplines that are not currently available in any major or minor engineering, equipment or oil field services company.
• Our initial facility design will produce clean water at 50,000 Bbl/day per processing plant. We will also be capable of delivering “bursts” of 100,000 Bbl in one or two days to a specific site, while minimizing the evaporation and bacteria problems associated with medium to long term onsite freshwater storage.
• Our facilities will be configured to use flare gas, when available, in an EPA - approved reciprocating generation plant that will be 100% compliant with EPA - Air Quality Requirements. In the absence of flare gas, we can use pipeline quality at fair market value.
• We can provide a market for gas.
• Electricity will be available at reduced cost to our fuel suppliers and water customers.
• We will provide processing services for nonconventional water sources and water-recycling services for frac flow-back and produced water. We also dispose of fluids that cannot be further reduced by our water-treatment facilities.
We expect to be able to install adequate piping to and from new well sites and other sources of produced water currently being injected at SWD sites.